Wednesday, January 2, 2019

OWC Machine or Organic Waste Converter Machine

Organic Waste Converter Machine converts organic waste into compost that can be used as fertilizer. Organic waste is the waste generated from the materials such as rotten fruits, vegetables, meat and garden waste such as dry leafs, woods etc. These machines are capable of performing the following functions: pasteurization of organic waste; sterilization of biohazard waste; are fully automatic. Composting machine uses special microorganisms to break down & decompose organic waste into compost with a volume reduction of 85-90%. It is well equipped with moisture reduction systems and odor control mechanisms. It is an ideal machine for hotels, temples, hospitals, resorts, industrial canteens, restaurants etc. This system is also designed to remove the problem of irritants such as flies. It provides favorable conditions of food, water and temperature.  This system is very effective and has high waste conversion capacity.

We can also call this machine as OWC Machine. These machines have low operating costs and long functional life. They have solved problems related to organic waste and convert that waste into compost, a natural fertilizer and take less time to give the results.  The final product i.e. compost is used in gardens, horticulture, and agriculture. So, these machines give useful results.

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